Graphic Design Implosion

As far as the other apps are concerned, I predict that Freehand will go the way of the dodo; Flash will stick around and probably (as someone else suggested) spell the end for Adobe’s SVGA viewer which basically sounds the death toll for that format; Dreamweaver will replace GoLive or whatever Adobe is calling their historically pathetic HTML suite and I suspect that if it hasn’t already Director will continue its slow fade into obscurity as regular programming languages become more viable than the application-specific Lingo and web-based presentations/interactive programs become more practical than standalone ones.

I want to be hopeful about this merge, but I worry because Adobe has always seemed to have its heart more in the traditional print design camp while Macromedia has been more web-friendly. It would be nice if the merger would strike a pleasant balance between the two, but I think that Fireworks’ fate may be the bellwether that determines which side has won or if that unlikely balance has actually been achieved.


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