Click. On.

As if to suggest that my days were not already completely packed with both things I want to do and things I am forced to do, skimming the Internets in an effort to cull the interesting, newsworthy and thought-provoking has become even more exasperating because people keep writing and linking to these really long-winded but worthy of note pieces that take the better part of two days to read. It’s not even the kind of thing in every case where I’m like, “Hey, I should share this with both ironSoap readers,” it’s more something I personally find intriguing and may perhaps pass to a few select individuals via IM.

Filtering information for people you know and communicate with via electronic means is an interesting task/skill/phenomenon that, if I hadn’t wasted so much time already today reading and thinking about I might have time to discuss. But the nutshell version (not even like a Brazil nut… more like a sunflower seed) is that I have a collection of information sources that I rely on to feed me stuff that is likely to be of interest. But as I consume this information, I’m constantly thinking, “Okay, this is something I need to post on ironSoap” or “Dr. Mac would be interested in this,” etc. Likewise I’ll be sitting here doing whatever and an IM will show up from Ryan with some random link or another or I’ll catch a passed link on IRC from someone and I know that those people are doing the same thing I am.

It just trips me out to think how much stuff is flying around, being posted, getting submitted, published, mulled over, debated and commented upon and all those things are leading to more postings, submissions, publications and so on through an endless network of communication. I sometimes wonder if all this extra communication is actually making us better at understanding or if we’re just getting better at talking.

Or whatever.

  • Word of the day: Ameliorate. I don’t know why, I just like that word. And I didn’t know what it meant until today.
  • What!? Of the day: Blatant and disturbingly intimate soccer foul gets… immortalized. Maybe not so much a “What!?” as a “Why?”
  • “Meh” of the day: iTunes 5. Doesn’t sound like a full point revision update to me.
  • Internal struggle of the day: This vs. this. I’ve been thinking strongly about a new phone lately and until now the heavy favorite was the V3 (preferably in black). But now this… I dunno. The cost is similar, but early reports aren’t too promising. As for the nano, it’s extremely hip but I don’t actually need anything like that. My shuffle is just fine for the reasons I got it (gym use) and otherwise my 20GB iPod isn’t even full yet. But dang those things are sweet. I mean, black? Forget about it.
  • Nostalgia of the day: Side by side comparison of SMB3 in Japan and the US. Interestingly enough, SMB3 was the first game (and one of the very few overall) that I ever played the import version of. Dr. Mac and I rocked an import from a local video game shop for so long that by the time the game came out in the US we were three-quarters of the way done with it.


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