Whoa, New Digs

After almost a year and a half I’ve gotten tired of the old style so I whipped up a new, not quite completely different one. Feel free to offer your comments, but don’t expect much. It was kind of an ordeal.

I’ve also replaced some of the mismashed links and buttons with consistent badges, which is a minor revision but kind of nice, I think.

The one other meta-thought I’ve been having is I’m considering moving back to the old server (monolith) from the newer colocated one. On one hand it would be so much nicer to have root access on the server again (wherefore art thou, rsync?) and the archives would be back. On the other hand, that’s a lot of work and I’d be back to subject to occasional drop-offs whenever someone sneezed to loudly near the DSL line. So I dunno. But it was a thought I had. And I’m all about sharing thoughts, even the dumb ones.

Especially the dumb ones.

Obsessive Link Clickers Rejoice

  • I’m so tempted to order this so I can make my own puppet shows. Of course, I don’t have a video camera of any kind so I guess it would be a big waste. But it’s still cool.
  • It was nice to hear that Logitech is doing a real bluetooth mouse, but I was pretty grouchy when I couldn’t find anything like—oh, let’s see—a price listed anywhere. I can’t tell if that means the announcement is too recent or if it suggests “You really don’t want to know,” but I think if it is anywhere in the sub-$50 range I might have to pick one up. As intrigued as I am with the Mighty Mouse, it will probably be several months before a bluetooth model comes along and ever since I read how the MM click-sensors work I’ve been paying attention to how I right click and I’m positive that I don’t lift my left finger to do it. All accounts suggest this will confuse the Mighty Mouse and I’m sure I’m confused enough as it is without having my mouse be equally befuddled.
  • Okay, here it is: TiVos are now $50 after rebate. If you look around there are even ways you can get one cheaper than that (occasionally you’ll end up earning money on the deal with rebates and such). The monthly fee is the biggest barrier to entry but $12.95 isn’t a bad deal and the $300 lifetime subscription pays for itself in two years. So here’s what I’m saying: Just get one. I know, I know, you don’t watch that much TV, you think it will be confusing, blah blah blah. Trust me on this one thing: I have never met anyone who had TiVo that didn’t like it and even if you don’t watch much TV (and I actually don’t watch that much myself so I sympathize), freeing yourself from the tyranny of scheduled programming is worth $13 a month right there. Think about it: that late show you like but always fall asleep before the end? No problem, watch it at 5:30 when you get home the next night. Those Friday-night sporting events you miss because of your standing date night with your SO? Covered. Catch it when you get home (oh, and you can fast-forward the commercials too, so you watch it in half the time). So here’s the deal: You buy a TiVo and end up spending a total of $50 or less, add me as the referrer when you sign up for the service and if you don’t like it by the time Christmas comes around, I’ll send you $50 to cover the up front cost. Worst case scenario you are out $40 on service fees, and have some nice eBay fodder.
  • This. Is. So. Cool. Sadly, the site is down right now. But, I mean, dude. Two, please!


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