Random is as Random… Fish People!
I can only deal with Serious Life Stuff via silliness and being random. Just work with me here.
- Some dude made the Best Sandwich In The History of All Sandwiches. He’s dead now, of course, but I imagine it was totally worth it.
- I got an email about the Netflix settlement, and thought it seemed… hokey. Then before I had a chance to do anything with it, I see a site all about how the settlement sucks. Since the one-month non-automatically-reverting upgrade was dumb in the first place, I might actually help them out with this one. I’m always down to stick it to some lawyers.
- There’s an interesting article floating around about the Cult of iPod. Worth a read.
- Speaking of Apple stuff, HB and Gin are switchers now, which is funny because while Lister and I are both fans of Apple’s computers, neither of us tried to convince them to do anything unusual. They did it on their own accord. Weird. Anyway, they now own a nice 20″ iMac and two iPod nanos. They’re totally going to start wearing black turtlenecks and thick-rimmed glasses any day now.
- Oh, the other thing I wanted to mention is that there are a couple of new dealies in the Meta section over there on the right. One is a Feedburner feed, which you should use because RSS is awesome and using it lets you be cool, gives me a chance to track who’s hip to the ironSoap game and leaves your hair shiny without all that excess buildup. There’s also a service over there that lets you get ironSoap delivered via email, if you’re a big fan of email and my relentless blathering. Chalk it up to “features no one requested but I thought would be pretty cool anyway.”
- Today’s headline is ripped off, rather blatantly, from a headline a friend of mine wrote for our high school newspaper. He was a very funny guy, and I imagine he still is, even though I barely ever get to talk to him anymore. Lame.
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