Could Be Vindicated

  • On accident, Nik broke my iTrip while we were in the City this past weekend celebrating her stepdad’s 50th birthday. Since I drive the Honda which doesn’t have a better means of playing my iPod through the stereo, I went over to the Apple store on my lunch yesterday and picked up a replacement. The newer model uses a turning knob and a digital display to change the target frequency which is so much better than the old method of playing a small audio file (one for each freq.) and then going back to the playlist. In a weird way, she did me a favor.
  • I hate the fact that I carry just about all the music I own around with me but I can’t listen to it while I’m at work. It just sits there, begging to be played. I suppose I could transfer a bunch of mp3/aacs to my work machine but that drives me nuts. Why duplicate effort? So anyway I’m looking for a better solution. Headphones are not an option since I need to be able to hear and talk to my co-workers (plus I’m going to be spending a lot of time on the phone starting next week). I’ve been looking at those docking station/speaker hybrids, but I don’t want something that costs more than a new iPod (my limit is probably around $100 maximum) and I may be saving up for a newer iPod here in the next few months as well (since mine is just about maxed in capacity) so it has to be forward-compatible from both the 5G iPods and my 4G Click Wheel 20GB. Thoughts or suggestions welcome.
  • I’ve been doing some work with JavaScript for an eggsites client recently. Every single time I work with that language I end up thinking the same thing: JavaScript is ill-fitting pants and I would rather chew through my own wrist than develop with this sorry excuse for a poorly documented “language.” I wonder why I didn’t get that JavaScript development job a few months ago?


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