I Wish I Nu How To Spel

  • ‘Ch’ – With no more ‘c’ we need an approximation. ‘Tsh’ might work but that’s three letters and violates Rule 2. So we’ll just use ‘ts’.
  • Long ‘a’ sounds require a trailng ‘i’ as in “grain.” Short ‘a’ sounds need only a single ‘a’.
  • ‘L’ sounds at the end of a word are modified by a preceeding ‘e’ not a trailing ‘e’ as in “marble,” which would instead be “marbel”.
  • ‘Sh’ sounds will always be produced by those two letters and never ‘tio’ or ‘sio’ so it would be “vishon” and “eksklamashon” instead of “vision” and “exclamation”.
  • Some sample word spellings: Apel – Apple Ardvark – Aardvark Aimy – Amy Asosheaishon – Association Buter – Butter Brayk – Break Bït – Bite Dayvid – David Duns – Dunce Drém – Dream So what do you think? Anything I missed? Suggestions for improvement? Leave a comment! Oh hey, also vote in my poll. No registration required or anything. Convenient!
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  1. Brandie:

    Your poll is missing an answer. There should be an answer for those with email alerts which eliminate the need to “check” for updates.

  2. ironsoap:

    Ah, correct you are. Fixed now.

  3. Dad:

    I, of course, have thoughts to share but because they use some diacritical marks I can most easily get from Word’s “symbols” I’m
    putting them in a Word doc and sending separately.

  4. scott:

    Well, I think your example words go against your plan. Didn’t you say that a long “A” sound was to have a trailing “i” and not a “y”? So wouldn’t “break” be spelled “braik” and not “brayk”? Likewise “Daivid” rather than “Dayvid?”

    Consistency is already breaking down. ;)

  5. Doza:

    Wow, you weren’t kidding, Scott and i had almost identical comments on the ‘ai’ subject.

    As I lay in bed last night pondering the meaning of life…. as well as the new English alphabet I was faced with 3 elements that gave me cause for concern or question.

    1) the new CH, I just can’t buy it. The “tsh” is as close as one can get phoenetically but yes, violates rule two. The “ts” just doesn’t work…. I can’t see tserch==church or tsild==child. Suggestion: the CH sound either needs it’s own character or yet another symbol for ‘ts’.

    2) Question: How are words that end with se (producing the z sound) “these” “those” handled? with a “z”?
    One couldn’t really create a rule that says if it ends with “se” it will be “z” because we have goose, loose, etc.
    Would the rule then be based solely on phonetics? eg. this, Kris, thoz, thez, ges (forgive the lone E symbol missing on that one ..geese)

    3) What happens to our widely accepted “shortened” words: can’t, won’t, shouldn’t, etc etc? Do we just drop the apostrophy and hereby pronounce them to be words of thier own? cant, iznt, wont, etc

    I ned tu no,

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