Ah! My Hip!

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  1. Don (a.k.a. Dad):

    Yeah…I once contemplated a motorcycle when you boys were little–even so far as asking about helmets and stuff.
    Then I got word that a guy I knew died on one–going around a corner. Not running into anything or racing. Just
    going around a corner. Loose gravel, bike went out from under him, broken neck, funeral. He was wearing a helmet,
    too. The way I saw it, granted a person can get killed in a car: crazy drivers, bad weather, drunks; but not just by
    going around a corner! I had ridden one of my college buddy’s bikes a few times short distances just for fun. Never
    really got the hang of shifting: one down, three up or whatever. I figured I’d learn it if I got one but after my ac-
    quaintance died I decided I’d stick to cars. P.S. Hope you’re healing okay!

  2. Brandie:

    I’m glad you weren’t seriously hurt. I do the opposite; I apply the clutch and forget the brake. This would be why David keeps me on a little 50cc (or maybe it’s a 80cc). A Harley at this point of my inexperience would be suicidal.

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