Hey, Bud, all I can say is whatever works go for it. When I graduated from college I got a Norelco electric (triple header) as a present.
Prior to that I had used a single-edged safety razor (non-disposable). Why it was called a “safety” razor I have no idea.
My teen-age acne left my post-shave face looking like I’d shaved with an electric fan.
Once I switched to the Norelco I found that after I got the technique down my shaves were smooth, close, painless, and bloodless.
Coincidentally just this Christmas I switched to a Braun for the first time because the low-end Norelco I had bought not that long ago was pathetic.
The Braun does not use rotory blades and is taking some getting used to.
@Don (a.k.a Dad): Of course, the main problem is that I don’t know what would work better at this point. Dr. Mac also suggested the Braun foil electrics which I’m just as open to as the safety razor/wetshave idea although both represent a relatively significant investment with uncertain returns. Especially when you consider that practically everybody says you need to give any new shaving method a certain period of time to “get used to it,” which hardly inspires confidence.
Although I did just note by checking out Braun’s website that they have a 30-day money back guarantee which I’m fairly sure no one is going to offer me for badger hair brushes and imported shaving creams, so maybe that’s the ticket.
Don (a.k.a. Dad):
January 25th, 2007 at 8:36 pm
Hey, Bud, all I can say is whatever works go for it. When I graduated from college I got a Norelco electric (triple header) as a present.
Prior to that I had used a single-edged safety razor (non-disposable). Why it was called a “safety” razor I have no idea.
My teen-age acne left my post-shave face looking like I’d shaved with an electric fan.
Once I switched to the Norelco I found that after I got the technique down my shaves were smooth, close, painless, and bloodless.
Coincidentally just this Christmas I switched to a Braun for the first time because the low-end Norelco I had bought not that long ago was pathetic.
The Braun does not use rotory blades and is taking some getting used to.
January 28th, 2007 at 3:17 am
@Don (a.k.a Dad): Of course, the main problem is that I don’t know what would work better at this point. Dr. Mac also suggested the Braun foil electrics which I’m just as open to as the safety razor/wetshave idea although both represent a relatively significant investment with uncertain returns. Especially when you consider that practically everybody says you need to give any new shaving method a certain period of time to “get used to it,” which hardly inspires confidence.
Although I did just note by checking out Braun’s website that they have a 30-day money back guarantee which I’m fairly sure no one is going to offer me for badger hair brushes and imported shaving creams, so maybe that’s the ticket.