Why Can’t We Seem to Keep it Together?

An unanticipated side effect of night shift working has been the speed at which time passes. Considering that from about 10:40 on Saturday night until noon on Wednesday my life is a blur of late-night news programming, unix systems administration, complicated charts monitoring various nigh-unintelligible technologies like ‘telephony’ and ‘database replication’, driving and poor sleep patterns it’s maybe not all that remarkable. That doesn’t mean I expected it though.

My weekends, such that they are, therefore involve a lot of chores and sleep catch-up plus a smattering of social activity and other recreational pursuits where they fit in. The end result is that I stand up and by the time I sit down several weeks have passed, usually without me updating the site.

I vowed awhile back not to waste a lot of time writing about not writing or making lengthy posts trying to excuse my absences. If I update, I update; if I can’t or don’t that’s the way it goes. No one cares one way or the other so it’s just alternating self flagellation and excuse-making which is boring and pointless.

If it’s cool with you I’ll pretend that isn’t par for the course around here.

Anyway, I have a smattering of thoughts and commentary now, which is at least something.

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