Spring Clean Fire Sale

Nik and I have spent some time recently examining our finances and preparing a plan for future spending and, more importantly, saving in an effort to prepare for some down-the-road life events. You know, buying an actual house and that sort of thing.

Part of this plan involves a pretty strict budget and a pre-agreed-upon set of major purchases for things we need (or actually have needed for quite some time, like a sofa that isn’t a continuous source of humiliation and bedroom furniture that isn’t broken or nearly useless) so as to avoid putting them off indefinitely. Of course that means less money on hand to purchase things that aren’t as pressing but arguably more fun to buy. I mean, for me the choice between sofa aesthetics and HDTV is really no choice at all but I recognize that our current television set is perfectly serviceable while our couch isn’t.

However, I’ve got a hankering for some equipment that isn’t included in the plans for a purpose I’ll reveal later and my only thought for affording it requires getting rid of some stuff I’m not using or don’t really want. Now, I know I’ve tried to offer stuff for sale here before to little response but since my audience is comprised almost entirely from friends and family members, I thought I’d give you a last chance to claim any of my stuff before I hunker down on eBay and try to accumulate some un-earmarked cash.

If any of this interests you, please let me know by emailing me any point before the auction starts. I plan to start listing things one at a time beginning this weekend. Everything here is first come/best offer and if you help me avoid an eBay listing I’ll ship it free assuming the shipping costs don’t eclipse the offered price.

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