Seven Year Itch

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  1. ScottM:

    There’s a webchat with more post 7 Harry Potter life, profession, etc. discussion with J.K. Rowling. A transcript of the chat is here:

  2. ironsoap:

    @ScottM: Thank you. I find it interesting that she seems to have thought through a lot of the glossed over bits between the end of story proper and the epilogue.

  3. Scott:

    Rrg. I had a long, winding comment written out, then clicked submit without having my email address filled in. So it’s gone. I’ll try to get motivated to retype it one of these days. Suffice to say, I see where you’re coming from, and understand your perspective, but I just felt like DH was as good of a book as it could have been, given the plot elements coming in and the direction the story ostensibly had to go.

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