Every Once in a Little While


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  1. Scott:

    Hey, thanks for the compliment. I have to point out that much of my digital music time is spent in the aforementioned “interested observer” status, with occasional forays into the level of “periodic hobbyist”. This is why I check the Reaper forums most days just to see what’s going on, along with frequent checks of kvraudio.com and their plethora of fascinating programs and plugins. It’s only on those rare occasions when I have free time that I actually get to do anything musical, so don’t feel too bad. The point is, don’t worry about spending much money, since I’ve spent a grand total of $175 on music stuff, and $135 of that was on hardware that you will probably not be buying. There’s just too much sweet free stuff out there to worry about shelling out the bucks for stuff.

  2. ironsoap:

    @Scott: To clarify, my primary interest in a lot of this is using my MIDI-capable keyboard to record various lunacy and then mix it up in some horrible fashion to create very bad music. But none of my computers accept such input natively so I need an adapter, which is only like $50, but that’s $50 I don’t really have lying around at the moment. Hence, a small bonus or surprise boost to a paycheck would do the trick.

    And I think your status is clearly not “observer” since you have a website laden with various songs you’ve fabricated. By definition, that advances you to “participant.”

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