Parent’s Log

I present to you a chronicle of our first eight months with a baby, as told via Twitter and Facebook status updates. Minor spelling and grammatical edits have been made, marked with brackets for full disclosure. Analysis follows the list.

[Update: 4/8/2010 08:32] Looks like I missed about half of Nik’s Facebook updates, so I’m adding them in now. Plus, I bumped the starting point back to the beginning of the delivery day and also updated the analysis at the bottom.

ironsoap Re: Water breaking. @DixieGirl: “No one talks about how gross this part is!” Tuesday, August 4th 08:33

Nikki Hamilton Water broke this morning. Admitted to hospital. Started pitocin. Having a baby today!! Tuesday, August 4th 09:37

ironsoap We have multiple IV bags, pitocin being administered, some irregular contractions but no active labor. The waiting begins. Tuesday, August 4th 10:42

ironsoap Contractions are getting pretty painful for @DixieGirl. Giving it another 20 minutes or so before we pester the nurses. Tuesday, August 4th 11:40

ironsoap So at last check, 3cm with epidural installed and feeling good. Epidural was an ordeal though. They went for the pin-the-tail approach. Tuesday, August 4th 13:19

Nikki Hamilton I heart epidurals. Tuesday, August 4th 14:01

ironsoap OH @DixieGirl: “Seriously, I’m going to need a Western Bacon Cheeseburger after this is all done.” Tuesday, August 4th 14:27

ironsoap Halfway there. Tuesday, August 4th 15:47

ironsoap They’ve decided not to check the progress this hour after all. Everything’s still going well but they’re worried about GBS risk. Tuesday, August 4th 17:04

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