1. It’s backdated, and was actually published for the first time on January 4, 2011, so no you’re not crazy if you happened to check the site in the interim between the date on the post and now. Well, no crazier than anyone who’d bother to read this site I mean. I meant to get this up before Christmas when it would be, you know, relevant. But because my computer died shortly after we attended the event, syncing my phone which had all the photos I really wanted to include with the blog entry proved difficult. But I actually put some effort into this post and didn’t want it to go to waste so it’s included here as if it were posted on time.
2. I wish more than anything I’d brought the good camera with us. I think the notions behind most of the pictures I got were sound, but the iPhone’s camera just wasn’t up to snuff for what I hoped to capture. For the limitations I think they turned out okay, but it would have been nice to get some really quality results. If you’re interested in the rest of the pictures I salvaged, you can check them out in a rare Callie-centric Flickr set that you don’t have to be my friend on Flickr to view.
Speaking of, if you want to see pictures of Callie, why aren’t you my friend on Flickr? I’ll add anyone (I know) who sends me a request. You can sign in to Flickr with your Yahoo! ID and my user name is ironsoap.
Hope your holidays were wonderful, as mine were. Happy New Year!
January 4th, 2011 at 6:48 am
A few notes about this post.
1. It’s backdated, and was actually published for the first time on January 4, 2011, so no you’re not crazy if you happened to check the site in the interim between the date on the post and now. Well, no crazier than anyone who’d bother to read this site I mean. I meant to get this up before Christmas when it would be, you know, relevant. But because my computer died shortly after we attended the event, syncing my phone which had all the photos I really wanted to include with the blog entry proved difficult. But I actually put some effort into this post and didn’t want it to go to waste so it’s included here as if it were posted on time.
2. I wish more than anything I’d brought the good camera with us. I think the notions behind most of the pictures I got were sound, but the iPhone’s camera just wasn’t up to snuff for what I hoped to capture. For the limitations I think they turned out okay, but it would have been nice to get some really quality results. If you’re interested in the rest of the pictures I salvaged, you can check them out in a rare Callie-centric Flickr set that you don’t have to be my friend on Flickr to view.
Speaking of, if you want to see pictures of Callie, why aren’t you my friend on Flickr? I’ll add anyone (I know) who sends me a request. You can sign in to Flickr with your Yahoo! ID and my user name is ironsoap.
Hope your holidays were wonderful, as mine were. Happy New Year!