It Shone Through the Clouds

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  1. corvock:

    a) there is a new version of WordPress out … your blog told me to tell you …

    b) As a person who has fairly little ill will towards any animal .. I was quite close to killing one of our cats a few days after bring home the nice HDTV. Sitting, watching TV and there is the sound of a lack of traction that claws have on plastic, then two paws come over the top of the TV .. dangerously close to the viewing surface. I was quite close to showing the cat how much more love the TV had at that moment … but calmer heads prevailed .. and besides .. I’d imagine it is hard to get cat blood out of a TV …

  2. ironsoap:

    @corvock: It figures that less than a week after I finally upgraded a new version gets released. I think I’ll wait until DreamHost’s 1-Click Install gets updated and use that.

  3. Don-aka-Dad:

    I had gotten way behind and am catching up on ‘soap. Since your mom and I are big fans of Lost I found your take on it intriguing. For me, the aspect of the writing of the show that impressed me most was how they arranged for each of the crash victim characters (even the less developed ones like the black and white couple) to have nothing to be rescued to. That is, some aspect of their lives would be (presumably) demonstrably worse-off if they were rescued than if they weren’t. Many of those wanting to be rescued did so purely because that’s what you’re supposed to want when you’re marooned on an island. But nothing positive awaited them if rescued. Of course, now that they’ve begun doing flash-forwards this has become a bit more muddled. Anyway, I agree that it is highly unlikely that even a majority of the loose ends will be tied up by show’s end. And as long as a few key ones are, maybe that’s just as well…

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