Parent’s Log

Paul Hamilton Ugh. Got rear-ended by some jerk in a Mercedes because some other jerk made an illegal U-Turn. Nik was driving, Calliope and I were in the back seat. Spent the afternoon in the ER making sure everyone is okay. We all got a pass; even the car escaped surprisingly unscathed. Saturday, October 3rd 18:57

Nikki Hamilton Callie is two months old today! Sunday, October 4th 16:50

Nikki Hamilton Walked by Callie’s bed this morning just as she rolled over for the first time! Monday, October 5th 05:54

Nikki Hamilton When did getting up at 7am become sleeping in[?] Tuesday, October 6th 10:50

Nikki Hamilton It is a cruel irony that even if the baby sleeps through the night you still have to get up to pump. Wednesday, October 7th 11:34

Paul Hamilton heard himself ask, “Did you just drop pie on the baby?” Wednesday, October 7th 15:49

Nikki Hamilton really, really wishes her baby liked slings or carriers so she could do baby wearing. Thursday, October 8th 14:31

DixieGirl Day 3 of a very fussy baby. Thursday, October 8th 14:49

Nikki Hamilton The thing that made the baby stop fussing and squ[eal] in de[li]ght? Sitting in her boppy on the floor watching “The Real Housewives of Atlanta”. Paul will be horrified. Thursday, October 8th 18:53

Nikki Hamilton needs her crabby little girl to take a nap. Monday, October 12th 12:49

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