Parent’s Log

Nikki Hamilton I spent the year leading up to Callie’s birth looking for a job to no avail. In the last week I’ve had two different people call me about a job opportunity. I suspect Murphy was involved. Wednesday, October 21st 10:35

Nikki Hamilton I don’t understand how I could have slept as long as I did last night and still be tired. In an unrelated note: I did it again. I made coffee minus the coffee grounds. :/ Thursday, October 22nd 09:56

ironsoap Did a solo mish to the library with the baby this morning. It was almost—almost—disappointingly uneventful. Friday, October 23rd 11:54

Nikki Hamilton I’m wearing sweat pants with spit-up on them and I fully intend to go to the grocery store like this. Who says new moms aren’t hot? Friday, October 23rd 19:29

Nikki Hamilton is not a fan of growth spurts. Saturday, October 24th 06:58

Paul Hamilton Enjoying a relaxing Sunday afternoon with my wife and daughter. Sunday, October 25th 18:01

Nikki Hamilton My child sounds like she is being tortured when she does tummy time. Tuesday, October 27th 12:58

Nikki Hamilton Callie is taking a much-needed nap and I am going in search of some much-needed chocolate. Wednesday, October 28th 19:52

Nikki Hamilton Callie decided she’d rather play than sleep last night. Friday, October 30th 10:04

Nikki Hamilton Callie really wants to be upset but she keeps getting distracted by the sheep hanging over her swing. Friday, October 30th 15:23

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