Happy Golden Days

But cell phones are a necessary evil, so I went out and upgraded Nik’s phone and got myself that super sexy slab of awesomeness alluded to earlier. The RAZR is a pretty awesome phone, if you’re into cell phone technology. I’m not, at least not exactly, but the bluetooth thing was nice: Importing my Address Book.app contacts into the phone via iSync was, predictably since we’re talking Apple here, simple as pie. I was also able to accomplish my one solid goal for the year and I now have the NES-ized version of “Final Countdown” as a ringtone.

Lister likes to sing the opening riff while playing Blood Bowl when he’s going to try and perform spectacular late-half or late-game lunacy (which, I might add, almost always results in a touchdown for him but similar efforts on my part usually result in failure at best or dead players at worst). It was nice to have a little soundtrack to go along with the effort at my fingertips, even if the outcome was, in technical gamer parlance, bootypants.

My main thumbs up features on the RAZR are the ability to play said MP3 ringtones (using Bluetooth to do a file transfer makes getting them on there cake), the Bluetooth stuff in general since I can never get those clunky PC connect cables to do anything (maybe because the associated software is typically weak Windows garbage) and the massive battery life (7 hours advertised talk time… my actual mileage is probably more around the lines of five plus hours talk time but that translates into one charge per week versus the charge-a-day of my previous phone, regardless of how much I talked on it). The camera and video features are nice, too, as is the very detailed caller ID window that is actually more useful and informative than some other phones’ primary screen. But I could live without those.

I know it was a sort of extravagant thing to spend money on just before Christmas and everything, but if there is one thing I know about myself it is that I don’t do well with the whole follow-up thing. For example, when I got my iPod I thought, “I’ll have to go back and pick up some accessories for this later, like a clippable control remote and a case.” What I actually did was nothing and now I have no way to remotely control the iPod and it’s scratched and filthy from being exposed to the world constantly. So I decided if I was going to get a decent phone “sometime” I better do it “now” or it would actually get done “never.”

It’s all part of the special insanity that is being me.


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