
Sadly, I am Responsible For This Mess

I know very few people actually care, but for my own sense of navel-gazing pleasure, here’s what I’m about.

I was born 33 years ago in California, where I have lived most of my life excepting a short stint in College Station, Texas (of all places). I’m not particularly well traveled but I have visited most of the Western United States and some of Canada. The bulk of my family now resides in Missouri, although none of us are actually from there.

I’ve worked as a waiter in a franchised chain diner, as a pizza delivery driver, book store clerk, graphic artist, web developer, security guard, tech support analyst, network operations technician and currently I work for Yahoo! in the Operations group. My hobbies include photography, writing, reading, playing games of all sorts and watching movies. I also dabble occasionally in some artistic pursuits like playing music (I fumble my way around a clarinet, keyboard, guitar and drums), drawing and creative writing but most of my efforts on those front have been safely hidden away from the eyes and ears of humans. In rare cases I do some technical stuff for fun like coding projects in Perl or PHP, I also drag myself into some physical activity like paintball, tennis or racquetball now and again.

I’ve been married since 1999 to my beautiful wife, Nikki. We’ve had a cat named Dixie for about eight years and a one year old daughter named Calliope who occupies most of our thoughts and deeds these days. We live in an apartment in the East Bay Area where most of our adventures take place.

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